- If you wish to contact the 执行检察官办公室 about a case pending before the 专业责任委员会 or its 听到委员会s, 请电邮至 案例管理器.
媒体查询,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护)
点击 在这里 查阅涉及公众利益的个案. This page is intended to provide access to publicly available filings in cases of particular public interest pending before the 董事会 or its 听到委员会s.
- Administrative Order 2024-1: 董事会 Invites Feedback on Proposed Amendments to the 规则 of the 董事会
- 混合纪律程序指引
- 行政命令2023-1:恢复面对面诉讼
- 2022-2023 年度报告 of the 专业责任委员会
- 复职问卷的修订
- Amendments to the 《澳博app》
- Administrative Order 2022-1: 董事会 Invites Feedback on Proposed Amendments to the 规则 of the 董事会
- Administrative Order 2020-8: Live Streams of 听到委员会 Proceedings
- Administrative Order 2020-6: Guidelines for Remote Disciplinary Proceedings
- 辩论和听证会将由Zoom视频会议举行
- 听证委员会时间表和音频流链接
- 安排聆讯委员会事宜的新政策
- 惩戒决定可在Fastcase
纪律大澳博app办公室 Operating Status during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Due to health and safety concerns surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, the 纪律大澳博app办公室 remains closed to the public until further notice. The majority of our staff continues to work remotely with some modifications to how services are provided.
- 工作人员将继续通过电话和电子邮件回答询问.
- 寄到我们办公室的邮件可能会有短暂的延误, 但是新邮件会被定期处理和审查.
- Outgoing mail will be sent by email, when an email address is provided. Outgoing mail will be sent by USPS when an email address is not provided.
- 信息 如何提出投诉.
The 纪律大澳博app办公室 now offers online ordering of 纪律证书. 印制证书的工作仍然暂停. The electronic delivery of a certificate will be processed upon receipt of the 证书申请表格 和付款. 大多数证书在两(2)个工作日内处理完毕. 我们不提供当日处理.
If you must pay for a certificate by check or money order, please complete the 证书申请表格 然后返回, 连同你支付给“DC 酒吧”的$25,,寄给纪律顾问办公室,地址如下. Please complete the form in its entirety to avoid processing delays. 请给我们额外的时间来处理您的邮件请求.
有关证书的问题,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).
- 在埃文斯, 23-BG-0741 (10/12/2023)
- 在泰特尔鲍姆, 22-BG-906 (10/5/2023)
- 在哈尔, 23-BG-648 (9/28/2023)
- 在福布斯杂志上, 23-BS-0755 (9/28/2023)
- 在爱尔兰, 22-BG-984 (9/28/2023)
- 在杰克逊, 23-BG-0554 (8/31/2023)
- 在瓦尔德克, 23-BG-0542 (8/24/2023)
- 关于Schlendorf, 23-BG-0479 (8/17/2023)
- 在《澳博app》中, 19-BG-702 (8/17/2023)
- 在re Zeas, 17-BG-1253 (8/10/2023)
- 丹尼尔斯, 23-BG-0454 (8/10/2023)
- 关于布莱克威尔, 22-BG-0565 (8/10/2023)
- 在《澳博app下载网》中, 23-BG-0481 (8/10/2023)
- 在安东尼-贝尔顿, 23-BG-543 (8/10/2023)
- 在索托, 22-BG-601 (8/3/2023)
- 在《澳博app下载网》中, 23-BG-0545 (7/27/2023)
- 在约翰逊, 20-BG-600 (7/27/2023)
- 在博斯蒂克, 23-BG-0005 (7/13/2023)
The 纪律大澳博app办公室 (ODC) was created by the 哥伦比亚特区上诉法院 to investigate and prosecute complaints of ethical misconduct against lawyers licensed to practice law in the District of Columbia who violate the D.C. 职业行为准则 (RPC).
规则规定了澳博app对委托人的义务, 法院, 以及公众在专业和私人交易中的表现. The purpose of this process is to protect the public by disciplining lawyers who violate the ethics rules. Our office cannot consider complaints against judges acting in a judicial capacity.
有关其他信息,请参见 宗旨及使命.
纪律澳博app办公室不能代表你, 给你任何法律建议, 或者改变法院判决的结果.
The 纪律大澳博app办公室 cannot refer you to an attorney. 你可以咨询D.C. 酒吧公益中心 to obtain information about legal representation by calling their 法律信息求助热线 at 202-626-3499.
联系 D.C. 酒吧公益中心 if you are an individual living in poverty who is at risk of losing your home, 你的生活, 或者你的家人. 中心也提供帮助 small businesses and community-based nonprofits needing legal assistance.
我和我的澳博app出了点问题. 我该怎么办??
Try to resolve issues with your attorney by communicating your concerns clearly and asking for a response. Your attorney should clearly explain the fee agreement and scope of representation, 让你随时了解你的案子的进展, and respond to any reasonable requests you may have for information.
If you feel that your problem is the result of poor communication or a misunderstanding between you and the attorney, you should have an open talk with the attorney before you file a complaint.
D.C. 酒吧的 寻找会员 feature provides the same publicly available contact information for attorneys that we would be able to share with you. If you are still unable to reach your attorney, you may need to file a complaint with our office.
If you are not required to prove fitness or satisfy other terms prior to reinstatement (i.e., restitution or some other condition imposed by the Court), please contact the D.C. 澳博app会籍部. 如果你被吊销执照或被禁赛, you must file a petition for reinstatement and a reinstatement questionnaire (found in the forms and documents section). 见董事会规则9.1.
没有,我们目前没有电子归档系统. All filings should be made in hard copy, including one with an original signature. Please consult the 董事会 规则 to see additional requirements for each type of filing.
董事会规则可在 专业责任委员会 section.
The 董事会 is currently recruiting attorneys and members of the public to be considered for appointment to 听到委员会s. 了解更多信息, 或申请成为聆讯委员会委员, 请与执行澳博app办公室联系.
- 专业责任委员会
- 西北东街430号
- 138套房
- 2001年,华盛顿特区
- 电话: 202-638-4290
- 传真:
- 纪律大澳博app办公室
- 哥伦比亚特区上诉法院
- 西北第五街515号
- 2001年,华盛顿特区A楼117套房
- 电话: 202-638-1501
- 传真: 202-638-0862